Artistic Director and Executive Producer in the recording of the Symphonic CD featuring Turibio Santos (guitar) and Orchestra , nominated for the Latin Grammy in 2008 as Best Album of Classical Music.
Member of the Latin Recording Academy.
Coordinator of the project Villa-Lobos e as Crianças.
Musical Director and Assistant Director and Producer of the DVD Boa Companhia Faz o Dia Clarear: 15 Anos do Bloco Escravos da Mauá (2008).
Director of Audio and Video for the CDs ROM Circuito Mauá: Saúde, Gamboa e Santo Cristo, and Circuito Copacabana, winners of the Möbius Prize – Latin America in 1998 and 2002, respectively.
Conceived the idea of producing the book MEMÓRIAS PÓSTUMAS DE NOEL ROSA (Posthumous Memories of Noel Rosa) published by COMPANHIA DAS LETRINHAS, having Luciana Sandroni as its co-author(2014).
Author of the book Historical Buildings of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, winner of the Scientific Diffusion Prize of the IPHAN (Rio de Janeiro, 1997).
Together with Manoel Correa do Lago and Sergio Barboza, reedited the Guia Prático de Heitor Villa-Lobos, published by ABM/Funarte.
Participated in the establishment of the Museum of Life in the Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, where at present coordinates the FIOCRUZ Choir.